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The Pub Governing Body is the organisation responsible for promoting the advancement and improvement of Landlord (Pub Owning Companies) and tied tenant relationships in the licensed retail sector. 

PGB covers signatory companies that own between 1 – 499 tied pubs in England and Wales and the signatory companies in Scotland. 

We achieve this through the publication of Codes of Practice which set the standards for landlords and enhances their business relationship with tenants and lessees subject to a contractual purchasing obligation.

A list of the Signatory companies can be found here

Please click on the images below to download the Codes of Practice:

Tenants and lessees of companies with more than 500 pubs are governed by the Pubs Code 2016 and come under the Pubs Code Adjudicator. Their website can be accessed here.

Submit your enquiry to the PCA here.

The PGB Group

The Pub Governing Body Ltd group is made up of three separate and distinctive schemes/companies:

PGB e1710927317390